Monday, March 17, 2008

It's rant time

Although I can see the benefit to social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook and Ning, I am wary of the effect this type of socializing will have on people, particularly youth who haven’t learned to communicate effectively face-to-face.

Instead, they are communicating in a more artificial environment with people who may or may not be who they say. Even if their “friends” gave their correct name, gender and age, they can still alter their profile to seem like anyone they want. They may not be purposefully deceitful, but they create only personality sketches, mere shells of their actual selves.

And while it can connect people who never would have met before, it doesn’t have the energy and warmth of personal contact. There’s a reason it’s, “Eyes are windows to the soul,” and not “Boot up Windows, get online and find your soul mate.”

Additionally, limiting your contact to only those with similar interests, worldviews will continue to narrow. It seems that more and more that is a huge problem in society.

On the plus side, I love being able to hear music from obscure bands around the world. On MySpace, you can find myriad musical acts offering a free preview of their work. It is nice to be able to hear several songs of an artist (online, or of course from the library) before you dish out cash hoping more than one or two songs are worth a darn.

OK, I’m done venting. I almost sounded like a grumpy old man there for a minute. (“Those dang kids with their M-Pods and their IP3s, playing their X-Stations and PS-Boxes! Their nothing but a bunch of punks! Text-messaging punks!”)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I'm Glad It's Not Frowning

This has nothing to do with 23 Things. I just thought it was cool.

Here's a picture I stole from my brother's blog that he writes as the outdoors reporter for the Bradenton (Fla.) Herald. Not bad work for just a few sea gulls...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Thanks a lot, Things 10-12!

For Things 10-12, we were asked to visit three different websites.

Here are my thoughts on each: This is a networking site that enables you to connect with former classmates, but it has a distinct pro-college bias, as you could not search by high school. You could only search for colleges and universities. Like I need to feel worse about my lack of formal education. Looking at my paycheck this week was enough. Thanks a lot, LinkedIn!
(Oh, sorry. Obviously I’m not bitter.) Through this site you can post your own recommendations on books. You can also find out what others with similar tastes are reading. It seems there’s not many people that listed both “The Anarchists’ Cookbook” and “Walter the Farting Dog.” In fact no one else shares my exact taste in books. Like I need to feel worse about by lack of like-minded peers. Looking at my empty e-mail inbox was enough. Thanks a lot, LibraryThing!
(Still not bitter.) When I was younger, “Roll your own” meant something completely different. While my lawyer advises me to not mention what it used to signify, it now means narrowing your Internet searches to a smaller list of trusted websites. Like I need to feel further distanced from my carefree youth. Looking at my crow’s feet in the mirror this morning was enough. Yo, Rollyo! Thanks a lot! (OK, maybe I’m just a little bitter....)

Oh, and my lawyer would also like me to mention that my recommended reading for LibraryThing, particularly the "cookbook," were made up in hopes of a cheap laugh. (I can't afford an expensive laugh.) I actually suggest “Confederacy of Dunces,” “What is the What” and “Lies My Teacher Told Me.”

Bring on Lucky Thing 13! Surely it won’t be as depressing as Things 10-12…

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Number Nine.... Number Nine... Number Nine....

Number nine...

Number nine...

Number nine...

Number nine...

Oh, it seems Thing 9 doesn't have anything to do with "Revolution No. 9" from The Beatles' White Album. (Only 9/23rds of the way there!)

It is great that there are free services such as Bloglines. Many of these free sites are plastered with advertisements.

I don't recall seeing any ads on Bloglines, and am in fact going through commercialization withdrawals. I need quick fix….

Ahhh, that’s better.